How Not To Loose Your Expensive Sunglasses: Simple Tips
As mentioned in a previous post about random sunglasses facts, some estimates say that Americans lose or break sunglasses every 14 seconds. That’s quite an impressive statistic. While I can’t help you not sit on your sunglasses, here are some tips to help you stop breaking them so often. While sunglasses companies may thank you for your frequent purchases, it’s a much better investment for you if you buy several pairs to wear during the different seasons or on separate important occasions, or even to give as a gift to your loved ones.
Simple Advice
Buy straps for your sunglasses – lucky for you, all EarthShade sunglasses currently come with one free!
Create a special place for them – a “home,” if you will. For me, it’s on a little hook on the wall right beside my front door. Every day when I get home I place my shades there in their soft case hanging on the string and if I notice at any point they’re not there, I immediately begin a hunt for them until I find them. (This is a good idea to do with your keys, too. Nothing’s worse than being late again because you couldn’t find your keys!) Bottom line, try to keep them in the same place.
Be consistent in your habits – when you’re out, pick a place to put your sunglasses. I personally don’t like to clip them to my shirt or because I have issues sitting or standing still, so every time I bend over they fall to the ground. Not cool. But do whatever works for you – keep them on your head, or use straps. The key is being consistent, so you build habits.
Don’t put your sunglasses down anywhere, especially when you’re in a place you don’t frequent quite as often. Next thing you know you’ll be long gone from the store and restaurant, and scrambling to remember where you last put them down. Many have left behind a great "gift" for someone happy to receive one.If you do have to put them down (say you’re on a date in a fancy restaurant, or some such event), put them with something you can’t leave without – like your keys, phone or wallet. This will not only make your sunglasses easier to spot, but it’ll also ensure you don’t leave them lying behind.
Know when to leave them in the car. I admit I’m quite a not-so-observant person sometimes, so I’ll be so caught up in what I’m thinking about that I’ll forget to leave my shades in the car. But whenever possible, leave them in the car when you’re going somewhere you won’t need them. Places like the gym, yoga class – or a restaurant,at the movies or at a business, you won’t need them inside, and they’ll be waiting for you when you get back in the car.
When you travel, only take with you sunglasses you can afford to lose. Don’t make the mistake I did once in New York – I had walked around so much one day my feet hurt so bad I couldn’t walk anymore. Sitting in the shade of Central Park across from the Guggenheim, I was so busy figuring out which subway to take back to Brooklyn that I completely left my $200 shades there on the bench. Not a good move. I’m not saying you have to take $5 shades with you when you travel, as you’ll want shades that offer quality protection so you can wear them all day and enjoy the sites you came to see – but I don’t know many people who can afford to pay $200 to replace sunglasses they lost on their latest trip. Figure out what your limit is, and go with that for vacation shades especially if you are going place to place quickly.
Keep your sunglasses in a case – like the chic bamboo one provided with every pair of EarthShade Glasses. Cases are bigger, so easier to spot, and they’ll be less likely to get damaged in a solid case.
Prizing Your Wooden Sunglasses
These days we’re all so busy it’s hard not to lose practically everything. Thankfully, by following some simple tips you can manage to avoid being a part of that 14 second statistic. Take a look again at those Red Rosewood Polarized Wooden Sunglasses you bought – or maybe it was the Ebony Wooden Sunglasses – those shades make you stand out, so they’re definitely not anything you want to lose. Take care of your investment and can keep them for years!